June 22, 2010

- Busy Day_June 22 -

As in, plenty of activities. FUN!

June is when most of the uni students come back home,
Except for the very few who prefer life in the West. ex: Ipoh or smtg.

Back to the point.
I'm out almost everyday of the week cause most of them will be off to uni life,
And I'll be stuck here for the next month or two,
Yes, I made up my mind to head to UCSI for Mass Comm.
Hopefully it will work out good for me that I turned down a public uni course. T.T

I know June hasn't end yet,
But I'm really excited about yesterday.

Early morning,
Me and my SMKT friends head to school,
To get our certificates certified and signed. :)
And the planner of the whole thing said to meet in school at 8.30am
Me and Vivien got there at 8.40am
Hehehehhe. Paiseh.
But our case still ok ok lah.
Yang cakap 8.30 itu arrive at 9.15am.
(I'm kidding............................ maybe not)

The cafeteria uncle took us to the "teachers' cafeteria",
And we had a glass of milo peng for free for each of us.
Bangga baaah tu.

We then head on over to the teacher's lounge to kacau kacau some more cikgus.
:) Heeeeeeeeeee.

After messing around,
We head to Sir Yap's office to continue messing around.
Biasalah, orang itu suka dikacau~ :p

Twas fun to chit chat and joke like we were in Form 6 again.
Sir then signed alllllllllllllllllllllllll our certs,
*and i think his hands went numb*
We head on to Maths class!!!
I know we used to complain about the homework,
And the non stop stress,
And the ridiculous math problems and formulae,
But we defff defff miss it A LOT.

In class, we fooled around and tried *hard* to answer the questions,
Together with our juniors inside the class.

Tapi juga ada orang yg ngantuk ngantuk situ lah.

Our picture on a hanger/poster thingy.
All those crappy recycling stuff, we gathered in ONE DAY!!!
Yes, awesome, aren't we not =p

In toilet perempuan niii
But there's a reason for this so-called "sumbangan"

A must do, since it's ours to begin with =p

6 Active 10/11  :(

In class tak dengar pun XD

Ni, yang ngantuk ngantuk ni. hahahhahaha

 After our last period of Math in Form 6,

We head to lunch in Eastern Plaza.
Syokk jugak bah kita ni =p

And the very filling and good lunch,
We had pictures taken of our pweeety pweeety faces.

With THIS!

Boy oh boy,
The fun part was when we were all smashed up inside the tiny box,
With decreasing volume of oxygen by the minute...
Twas fun!! :)

Waiting for it to be done...

Final product!
RM17.  But it wasn't enough, so we printed another copy. HAHA.

My set :)

It definitely made me miss the time in Form 6.
The best days of my life. :)

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