December 6, 2008

- Psychic or Psycho? -

Ok, get this.

These couple of days, I've had my own psychic/psycho instinct..
I was just thinking of some stuff,
And about a couple of seconds later,
It really happens.

I definitely didn't do it on purpose.
I didn't even know it could happen.

My sister thinks I'm a freak now.
I mean, more freakish than I usually am.

At first it was little small stuff.
Like when we were playing games and I guessed it right.
That's it, pure coincidence, right?

Ah well, So. About a couple of days ago,
My sister was driving,
And for some weird (stupid) reason,
I was thinking of an accident.
Just a small one,
I was thinking what if the car suddenly stopped,
Then the back car would run into it. That's it.
Blah blah blah.

Then, about 2 minutes down the road,
There was an accident.

It was a new Black Ford car. (Baru passed punya)
Then, a white Proton Wira, with half of it's hood under the Ford.
And her boot was crushed by a truck.

Nothing fatal.
Just some crushed cars.

Damn, I felt bad!!!
[=.=] I didn't do it on purpose you know.
It could be just pure coincidence again, couldn't it?

I just got a gut feeling, that's all.
Then I hesitated before I told my sister.
And after that, yeah, she's totally freaked out.
She was literally shouting at me,
"Tell me what you're thinking now! NOW!"

That night, my sister told my mom about my recent psychic-ness.

And my mom went,
"UINAH~~~ Sixth sense bah!"

I'm trying not to think of anything right now.
Keeping my head empty til this is over.

p/s: To the Black Ford's driver out there.
Hope you don't get your license pulled back.


LiLiN said...

can't believe i spelt tat wrong.

ps: thanks tzer hui! :-)

Anonymous said...

hey wy dont u think about me winning a free trip 2 come visit MALAYSIA yay!
