January 18, 2010

- A Not So Mundane Monday -

Haven't been updating much.
That's cause not much has happen lately.

Except today.
Was so bored the past week,
That I went out for lunch and a movie with
Chok, Tina and Maizai.

Had lunch in MarcoPolo again,
No pictures though,
I don't wanna look sanba in a "high class" place.
*Observe the air-quotes

Well, neways.
For RM14.00++ ,
We had a quite a lunch.
Til they had to ask us to pay and leave.

So we left for our movie,
That starts at 3pm.

Starring Jackie Chan.

MaiZai and Tina was laughing really really loudly.
It's not that embarrassing since it was an afternoon movie,
With an almost empty cinema hall. =)

After the movie,
I was their driver back home.
Sigh, if only they lived a little closer to me.

Naaaah, I'm kidding.

I need to exercise my feet.

Wish me luck in trying to have a better week!
Or else, I'll be looking for people to hang out with again.

Run for your life!


静怡 said...

haha......i wont run away for u de....^^

eunice =) said...

lol same la here, waiting for ppl calling to hang out too haha
have a nice holiday girl~ :DDD

Unknown said...

i won't run away. i'll be tad free. u noe, pratically jobless. i'm waiting ~~~

anyway blog's updated. the new one is in chinese. will translate tht soon ~