November 4, 2008

- It's Been A While... -

... Since I've last posted something.
There's just too much going on.

My finals has finally ended. Just this morning!
Such a suffering 2-week exam period.

My 26-month year old nephew, Wayne came back the other day.
Just 2 weeks before my finals.

So yeah, it was a fun-filled yet tiring time.
But who could resist this :


He peels his own orange. And he gives you half of it.

He can have his own meal. And well... make a mess.

And he's sorta hot for a 2- year old.

And... he makes you go "Ah~~!!!"


:: XoXo Dreamyng XoXo :: said...

when you said "he's sorta hot for a two years old" it kinda made you sound like a paedophile. hahaha. i hope i get the spelling right.

you know my english ain't no more goody.

but yeah... your nephew is cute ;)

LiLiN said...

yes! i know, he's adorable.

i think it's 'pedophile'.
bt what do i know,
i have sucky english too.