To puke.Last Wednesday,
A few of my friends and I stayed back in school.
dissect a rat for our Biology experiment.
Yucks, yes, I know.Thanks to Miss Chia,For helping us out. :-)
There's a lotta pictures too.
Thanks to Vivien :-)People who are advised to NOT scroll down :
- People who just gave birth and are still not feeling all that well.
- People who have food in one hand, and clickin away on the other hand.
- People who have a fear of blood or tiny organs.
- People who just can't stand rats. (p.s: That's you Lek)
Get yourself ready,
For some
vomit-inducing pictures!!!
He was cute... >.<
Me and Boon.
Killer on the run.
And then came the pro.
Fainted or... dead maybe.
First step, cut zee fur.
Step 2 : Cut through.
As Vivien said : "YeeLin! You didn't do anything!"
Do not point, it's disrespectful.
Boon helping out the twins.
Scroll down. And puke.
Another need of the pro.
Si budak physic wanna play.
Poking through the skin...
*Runs to the toilet*
That's zee heart. Was still beating.
From left to right : Intestines, kidney, stomach, liver.
Mervyn helping the twins. Sacrificing his tie on the way.
Ahemmmm. *coughs*
Baaaaah.After all that,Me and Boon went to dispose of the body,When we were going down the stairs...
Boon : "Where's my tie?"
The wind was blowing. Haha.
We're not cruel.
Biology is.
That's still okay. The rat my group got last time... was pregnant with 7 baby embryos. It's a sin that will not wash away, I'm afraid. Yes, Biology is cruel. That's why I am not one! wakakak...
u're not one wat? =p
One cruel biologist
we're all cruel.
face it :-)
eh eh eh!!! so did u threw the rat inside a bin or you burried it? at least stitch up the poor thing before you dispose it!!!
WAIT! the heart was still BEATING!??!?! you disected a half living animal?! CRUUUUUEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!
haih. so bad :(
we were looking for de tukang kebun to borrow de spade to bury it.
his bad. =p
btw, it was supposed to die.
the heart started beating again after a while. =.=
came back to life. aiks
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