Early in the morning, we had a pop quiz for Pengajian Am, Malaysian General Studies.
And yeah, all hell broke lose after that.
We were given 45 minutes to prepare a chart and draw a graph out of it.
About 3/4 of the class failed - horribly.
After that, the whole class was in a blurr for almost the whole day.
During recess, Zuhairi was sitting in the corner of the class, doing Chemistry.
The rest of us, doing last minute homework for Maths.
Zuhairi then called out to Tan Lek, who had his head spinning about Maths.
This is how it went.
Zuhairi : . . . (mumbling something)
Tan Lek : It's 3 minutes before recess is over...
The next thing I knew, Zuhairi was laughing. So I looked over.
Tan Lek, still obssessed over Math, didn't bothered.
Zuhairi : I asked what is the molar mass of Sodium?!
Tan Lek : Oh! Sorry! It's 10.23 am!
The whole class burst out laughing.
Boon said out loud, "Look what PA did to us!!!"
Everything died down after that.
Til a rat came into the class during Maths. [=.=']
I sat the nearest to the door, but I never noticed a rat run past about 3 feet away from me.
When suddenly Tan Lek spoke out of the blue, "Whoah! Look! Rat!"
I, of course, jumped and due to my loudness, the rat ran back to the corridor.
It was embarrassing that I interrupted the class.
So I wanted to leave it there.
Until the little rodent came back again!
For a few times, I should add.
The next thing I knew I was turning back to look at the back door every 5 seconds or so.
After about 10 minutes, when I thought it was gone.
I was ready to let it go, when suddenly, I saw the lil' rodent at the doorway just looking at me.
Those little tiny eyes were cute yet mischevious.
It's cute and all - but I don't want it near me.
(I'm a BIO student btw. XD)
I left it there, and I kept myself from turning back.
I started to giggle, the more nervous I am, the harder I giggle.
Out of the sudden,
Tan Lek turned to me and told me to shut it. =.=
(He's such a gentleman btw)
He paused for a while.
Then told me that a rat just ran past under our seats. [>.< !]
From inside the class!
And the whole time I've been watching the rat from outside the classroom. [=.='']
He didn't want to freak me out. But still, I did.
The whole day after that, I felt like the rat followed me home.......
I even dreamnt of it when I took a nap in the afternoon.
Luckily the rat didn't come back today.
But both Tan Lek and I did feel the presence of the rodent, or should I say rodents.
It's there. I just know it.
Today is the last day of school btw.
We'll have the whole of next week off for the Raya Holidays.
6 Rendah Aktif with class teacher, Madam Chong.
Not an act, they didn't even know I took this. =.=
The class with Cikgu Yusuf, the coolest sub teacher ever.
Cikgu Yusuf, telling us ghost stories. Hee. We Do study!
Me, Jas and Pui San. Nuts over Stabilo?
Boon with our chromatography experiment.

Racing. With ether solution.
Jas and Me. Bio.