October 1, 2009

- Installation Night '09 -

One word - Boring!
Sorry, but it's true.

It was in Promenade Hotel.
And for RM15,
The buffet dinner wasn't bad at all.
*No pictures, sorry. :)
Was rushing through dinner,
Cause we were the first group up the stage.

The emcees for the night.

The schedule was pretty messed up,
For a buffet dinner,
We only had 20 minutes to eat,
(Including lining up, grabbing & slurping it down)
Then JinYee had to give her speech,
After that it was our turn to go up stage.

*BTW, JinYee lost her speech.

With a VERY steady face,
JY : I lost my speech oh...
Me : Harrrr??? What...?!?!
JY : I lost my speech............. Hmm. How ler.......?

But then, everything went well after that =)

Well, neways.
I really enjoyed the short clip Eric did for our outgoing board.
Was kinda touching. Hehe.

The night went on like usual boring events.
Except this one was suckier.
Dunno the reason though.
Didn't even bother to get our hair set.

We wanted to leave early,
But decided to stick back and watch the performances.

Er... Ok Ok lah.
At least the guys had fun, ey?

Although, I did enjoy SMK Kuhara's short video.
Really creative and cute.
Very well done.

Then, after that was the whole...
Er... Prince and Princess thingy?
No interest.

So, we took pictures instead!!! =)

It's the twins......... !
Yes, they have long hair... :)

TanLek and Me. :)

Also, we left early,
And hung out in the corridor.
Just chit chatting,
Figuring out excuses to play truant the next day.

JinYee and Me.

I like this picture. =)


I suggested to place a flame from a lighter,
Near the water sprinklers on the ceiling.
You know, to see if it works.
But then, my ex-school principal suddenly walked by.

And so, I went into hiding.

Maybe next time then.... ? =)

Then my buddies and I went touring again,
We went to the LG Fun Pub.
We didn't go in lah,
We just stayed outside and look at the pretty lights.
Seriously. =)

We then hung out some more in the hotel lobby.

We just REAAAAALLLLLYYY didn't want to go home.

Leng zai or..............? =p

And this is me by the end of the night,
Tired, bored. And hungry.
Like the rest of my friends. XD

The road has finally ended.
Thanks goodness. =)

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