My 100th post baby!
This is so cool.Wahahhaha. Me so happy.
I'll post about the
picnic-outing-thingy I had last Sunday.
It was a small gathering of
Intan + Berlian peeps.
I'll just skip to the pictures.
Cause well,
no one's gonna read all the crap I type here.=p
Everyone preparing the food.
Potluck Lunch. :)
Mr George.
Now, with a really cute tiny mustache.
As tall as Chok. =p
Pretty :-)
Nice ey?
This is what you get.If you know someone,
Who knows someone-who knows someone
Who owns his own private land.
A tree that tears like paper. Seriously.
I love this. Hehe.
Alex. Er.......... =p
Don't worry. All over 18 now.
Me, Vincent and Cikgu Wong. :)
Me and Maizai.
Tukar orang nia.
Maizai & CCC.
Rape case going on. Kaka.It's supposed to be the other way around huh? XD
Awesome flower.
And the group picture. :)
I'm making you guys miss home,
Aren't I?