For like... a month...
But I only get to meet her once,
Sorry laaaaaaahhhh
So we met up on Sunday,
Just before she was going back to Sandakan.
Had lunch in Nostalgia.
And chatted for about 2 hours.
I love her.
She talks non stop.
It's so cute. I miss her.
She told us stories about her life over there.
Including 'encounters' .
She had a new hair cut too.
At first, I preferred her long hair back then.
But after a while, it seemed suited for her. :-)

Okay, I'll stop.

Take #4

Miss ya Jen,
Mostly because our Mandarin level is about the same. =p
Kidding barh.
Mostly because our Mandarin level is about the same. =p
Kidding barh.