And we had to go back to school for experiments for 3 days.
Chemistry and Biology.
DAY 1 - Monday.
Was just crazy. After finishing off Chemistry.
The Bio students had to go for another experiment.
We had our breakfast. And then headed off to the lab.We were doing the saliva experiment. So...
[ The following content is not for the faint hearted ]
We had to collect our spit.
To make a total of 20 ml of saliva for the whole class.
Yes, it was yucky.
Was kinda a [=.=] situation when I was the one who 'contributed' the most.
Boon was having trouble the whole time.
But in the end, she made the most memorable donation with the help of Jin Yee.
We had to drip the mixed solution on a white tile, and then drop iodine on it. Every minute.
The experiment will stop only when the the drip does not change blue-black.
It never stopped changing.
It was the longest 3 hours of our lives.
DAY 2 - Tuesday.
Was fun cause it is done in groups of 2.
Me and my partner, did a lot of stuff. Wrong.
Fun, but wrong.
After Chemistry. We headed off to the Biology lab again.
We didn't have enough insects to go around.
So we needed to catch more.
From our school field.
So, have you seen Spongebob Squarepants?
You know, the squarish adorable..
well, sponge that lives in a pineapple under the sea?
You've seen that when he's out to catch jellyfishes, he uses those butterfly nets?
Well, imagine just about 5 girls, running around the football field, chasing dragonflies..
(Which are so impossible to catch by the way... !!!)
I just loved how the video shows how much fun we were having.
And when Roza ran past the camera. It couldn't be more perfect.
We ended up catching lots of grasshoppers, and even moths.
But nope, no dragonfly. [=.=]

Class pict. By Jas.

Boon. Tired from catching bugs.

Just a few of the few.
Jenny's fav.
Splitting cockroach. Only from Jas.
Jin Yee's.
Catch of the day.
DAY 3 - Wednesday.
After Chemistry. Which was okay.
Bio students headed off for another bio experiment.
This time, preserving moss.
We headed off to collect some moss. Also from the school field.
Because we had sooo much fun the day before, we brought along the nets.
[Just in case]
Jin Yee and Jas.
Jas and Viv. What's a Physics student doing here?
Cool Shot.
Timbalan Ketua Pelajar. And Jas. XD
After a hard day's work.
I love this tree.
Science. Is cruel. But interesting.