Let me start with dinner at Dreamland,
7.30pm Tuesday night, 22 Sept.
A.K.A ZhenYi's birthday.
*Hey big brother! :)
I went to pick up everyone,
(My buddies from SMSP)
And went to the place.
Fully packed.
Luckily, we managed to squeezed into a tiny table.
Wheeee. :)
Me and ZhenYi had the dinner set.
*Oh gosh, bloody full.
Along the way,
I lost my ring and I got so upset.
After dinner,
It must be birthday luck or something.
Cause I found my ring IN THE PLANT VASE.
Then my smile came back on.
*Thanks Phillip and Amy for helping me look for it.
After dinner,
We headed back to Amy's house.
Cause she and Phillip made ICE CREAM cake for ZhenYi.
Surprise lah.
Zhen Yi didn't know. :)
We played lami.
And watch some freakish cannibal movie.

We spent some more time chit chatting.
And lami-ing.
Til 11++ pm.
The rest came over.
Sim, Vincent and Ah Law.
Then we pulled ZhenYi to the back.
And lami-ing.
Til 11++ pm.
The rest came over.
Sim, Vincent and Ah Law.
Then we pulled ZhenYi to the back.
Small Small.
But it was really good ler. Homemade ler.
But it was really good ler. Homemade ler.
After eating a piece or two.
We went back to the living room to continued lami-ing.
It was a few minutes before midnight.
*Inside I was waiting intently. Wahahahhaha~
Teehee. Biasa for everyone de barh.
So far I had one buddy who gave me an early wish.
Had something else to do waa. Okay lurrr.
We lami-ed for some time.
And about 10 seconds before midnight.
My buddy TanLek from my class sent over a birthday wish.
:) Thanks you.
As I was replying.
In the corner of my eyes,
I knew that my friends were gathering around the lami table.
But I was tooooo into my handphone to bother. =.="
They started singing the birthday song for me.
Wondering what's up. I looked up....
And Lek was standing there,
Holding a birthday cake...!!!
I was bloody shocked.
I dunno what was my exact expression.
But I'm pretty sure it was something like....
*Sorry, no pictures.
Takkan I gitu SS pulaks.
The "Happy Birthday" sign was burnt.
And I didn't even notice cause I was still shook up.
And trying to make a wish with everyone forcing me to blow it off.
It was very cool.
Heeeee =)
The surprise was supposed to be by my SMKT friends.
But it was midnight,
And most of them wasn't allowed to go out that late.
It's okay, I get it. :)
I would never have expected it anyways. Haha!
I especially wanna thank,
JinYee, PuiSan, Bling, and .... Chia SH (who didn't even wish me at midnight harrrr)
And also Lek! lol.
Just the thought of you guys doing something like this.
Is.......... Walaoooweh. :)!!!
And Lek pakat-ing with Chowie.
Roar. Pandai berlakon lah those two.
Great! =)

It's cause the sampat poh went "1.....2......3.............
Tak habis habis counting...

It was a great start-off of being 19.
I didn't feel old.
But, I defffffinitely felt FAT. =p
Went home at 1am.
And was nagged by my dad a lil bit.
I didn't really mind.
I understood where he was coming from. :)
That night,
I couldn't really sleep.
Was really really tired. But too happy to sleep.
^.^ ?!?!!
So I slept at 4am.
I was gulung-ing here and there for 2 hours.
Next morning,
I woke up at 9am.
Freakish? Yes. =)
The day went on as usual.
Then at 3.30pm.
My SMKT friends met up in school.
Cause we were going for a Raya visit,
To Pn Hayati's house.
She's reallllyy cute.
But I didn't take any photos of her!! >.<
We WALKED to her house.
We didn't know how far it was.
And therefore, regretted the decision.
By the time we reached her place.
We were sweating so much.
And my foot got stepped on.
My fault lah, I stood silently behind a friend.. Haha!
*Don't worry. I won't say out who lah. ;)
And was nagged by my dad a lil bit.
I didn't really mind.
I understood where he was coming from. :)
That night,
I couldn't really sleep.
Was really really tired. But too happy to sleep.
^.^ ?!?!!
So I slept at 4am.
I was gulung-ing here and there for 2 hours.
Next morning,
I woke up at 9am.
Freakish? Yes. =)
The day went on as usual.
Then at 3.30pm.
My SMKT friends met up in school.
Cause we were going for a Raya visit,
To Pn Hayati's house.
She's reallllyy cute.
But I didn't take any photos of her!! >.<
We WALKED to her house.
We didn't know how far it was.
And therefore, regretted the decision.
By the time we reached her place.
We were sweating so much.
And my foot got stepped on.
My fault lah, I stood silently behind a friend.. Haha!
*Don't worry. I won't say out who lah. ;)

Definitely not the usual Malay food.

The second Mr Teo and Mrs Chia ???

By the time I reached home.
It was dinner time.
Family dinner :)
Just went to a simple restaurant.
Kedai Kopi to be exact.
But a VERY special dish.
It was dinner time.
Family dinner :)
Just went to a simple restaurant.
Kedai Kopi to be exact.
But a VERY special dish.
All the other dishes were usual. But delicious. :)
After dinner.
My mom insisted on a cake...
Ohhh!! Ohhh!
Also, I definitely did NOT expect any gifts.

Another cute September bear!
Big brother's little crystal ball.
And Amy's chocolates that will last til STPM!
You guys are awesome.