October 9, 2009

- Mooncake Festival -

Which is also known as [Mid-Autumn Festival].

When I was growing up.
I never really bothered to know what was it about.

Malay school never teach barh.

My dad always asked us to look for Chang'er on the moon.
And I was like... ''WTH?!''

And now I'm like... "Ohhhh~"
As it turns out,
There's like 6 different variations to the tales.

All I know is...
It's time to set those tanglungs alight!

My sis and I. :)

Wayne with his toy.
He says "I burn youuuuuu"

My sisters. Kurang satu nia.


Til this day,
Wayne still goes..
"Come on, let's play some tanglung!!!"

Also, no one would share a mooncake with me.

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