February 14, 2009

- Sports Week -

Finally, it's over!
The 4-day Sports Days are over.

My whole class signed up for PBSM duty.
And we were the ones who would help the injured students.
It's a lot of work. Cause they keep tumbling over. =.=

Anyway, it was great fun at times.
And burning hot at other times.

Was the closing ceremony,
And the cutest thing of all,
There was a Spongebob mascot for my team, Satria!!
It's soo adorable,
And I do really pity the kid's whose inside,
Cause it must be freakin' stuffy in there.
Too bad I didn't get it on camera...

Well, hey!
I was busy dutying all day,
Plus, my camera ran outta battery.

The "St John" of SMK Tawau.

The teams all lined up.

Wira. Satria. Perkasa. Pendekar.

Doing aerobics. Everybody joined in.
It was awesome. XD

On duty. :-)

At the camp, resting.

And now that it's over.
We've all fallen sick. lolx.
But I've gotta admit,
It was F-U-N.

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