January 29, 2009

- CNY Day 3 -

I rotted all day =.=
Til the night came!

We had a BBQ dinner, catered from Dreamland,
Gosh, the lamb was goooood~

Was rushing in and out.
* For more food, of course. XD *

Then, we brought out the cake for my dad.
Whose birthday was one day later than the bbq dinner.

He's 54 years old this year.
But damn, he doesn't even look 45.

Ma family. With grandma!

The 2kg blueberry cheese cake. Cousin bro bought it.

Look at zee smiles.

The cucu-cicits.

Mom and me. :-)

Him. Trying to be cute. TRYING.

We have to stop with the feasting.
Can't stand it no more..........


Anonymous said...

happy birthday old man?
which guy wanna die early ar? HAHA

LiLiN said...

tat would be yung huey~~~

keyan kathleen said...

can i ask you sth? wats "woots"? i saw it everywhr bt i hv no idea wat does it means. swt...

LiLiN said...

i dunno. lolx.

i really dont!
but last time i played gb til i learnt it and has been using it ever since without knowing the meaning.

u say it like this,

ain't it cute now. heeeeeeeee